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The Team

event management portfolio

Events, film festivals, discussion spaces and healing circles managed by Cat Tanchanco

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Navigating Grief:
The Five Stages

Virtual Workshop

with Art With Impact

Facilitator, Event Manager

Explore the impact of grief on mental health through short films, makeup art, and spoken word poetry. We will look at how to make space for ALL the emotions, and shift the narrative that grief should be treated as a negative thing, or as something that must be stifled or rushed.

Participants will be invited to write an individual letter* to someone or something they may be grieving, while collectively exploring the importance of the five stages of grief.

October 2021

Horror Movies:
Exploring Mental Health, Monsters and Stigma

Virtual Workshop

with Art With Impact

Facilitator, Event Manager

Where has the horror genre intersected with mental health stigma vs mental health advocacy? Where has horror explored psychology, social subtext, gender, and ‘monsterizing’ people and parts of ourselves when we don’t fit into a ‘category’?

Through open discussion, movie clip screenings, and a creative activity offering, we'll explore how these themes have played out in the horror genre and how we can move away from ‘monsterizing’ parts of ourselves and members of society. In this space, we’ll invite you to visualize ‘your monster’ in a new light and seek ways to build and co-create a more empathetic world.

October 2022

SQUARE SIZE - Horror Movies Exploring Mental Health, Monsters and Stigma - Sanctuary Space
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